Our Projects

Over the years we have delivered high-quality solutions to our clients which include a wide range of services, like Website Design, Cyber Security, Outsourcing, Artificial Intelligence, and development, we also offer digital marketing methods such as SEO, social media, and email marketing, as well as web and mobile app development. They are highly satisfied and are still connected with us for more!

Our Work

Cyber Security

Developed Cyber Security courses and online training for Veterans as well as this
year the program got extended to military spouses and civilians due to the
Coding for Veterans
Coding for Veterans helps Canada’s military veterans to retrain and reskill for jobs in Canada’s tech sector. If there is a “secret sauce,” it’s our personal approach. We help Canada’s war heroes to retrain in one of two programs

Cyber Skills for Canadian

Cyber Skills for Canadians is a program that was established to help reskill and upskill individuals for employment in the tech industry. Our goal is to provide students with skills that are required to establish a stable career in cyber security where salaries are high and unemployment is low. 

Web Development

Developed Web Development courses and online training for Veterans as well as this
year the program got extended to military spouses and civilians due to the

North of  41

North of 41 is a place to help tech entrepreneurs to expand their business contacts by encouraging interaction and discussion among investors, fellow entrepreneurs, CEOs and other stakeholders. The goal of ‘North of 41′ is to promote the tech industry and all of the cutting-edge innovation that is taking place from coast to coast.

Coding for Veterans Retail Store

Let’s Go Gee-Gees! Shop Official Coding for Veterans Apparel, Textbooks, Merchandise, and Gifts at the Bookstore. Flat-Rate Shipping, with all-new Winter looks and more accessories

Conflict Resolution

The Conflict Resolution Place for Dispute Management is one of the most cutting-edge, technology-advanced Medication/Arbitration firms in the area of dispute resolution. Most, if not all legal disputes today have technology that plays a role in the dispute


Dynamite has a team of specialists who understands the business models and processes of the vendors and based on that, we deliver the custom solutions which is highly adaptable to the client’s changing requirements

Lakefront Marine Inc

 Lakefront Marine is a full-service boat repair shop that can take care of all your serving requirements.  In addition, we also sell parts for our do-it-yourself boating customers.  We provide boat and trailer storage throughout the year and when it comes to winterizing, we do that for you as well. 

Brian Masse

Over the years, Brian has managed key critic assignments that reflect his expertise and our city’s pivotal role in Canada’s economy. That included serving as critic for Small Business, for Tourism, for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, and for the Great Lakes and the Canada–US Border. 

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision.